Technologické inovační centrum Zlínský kraj

About Catalogue

The objective of this "Catalogue of Companies in the Zlín Region" is to present and promote our region as a key regional industrial hub, to develop new business opportunities in both local and foreign markets, and lastly to bolster the export efforts of the companies from our region.

The Zlín Region has always been regarded as an economically very strong and vibrant region with a noteworthy manufacturing tradition exemplified by the presence of large industrial companies. the current industrial potential of the region is based on key manufacturing companies in the plastics and rubber industry, electronics and electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, furniture production, civil engineering and food processing. recent years have seen the intensive development in the area of information and communication technologies. This catalogue presenting our region’s business enterprises from these important industries is therefore only a logical continuation of this process of innovation and development.

In cooperation with partner institutions, this catalogue is use and distributed during foreign business missions, commercial negotiations, and handed out at trade fairs and international conferences. Copies can  obtaine from our partner institutions: regional Chamber of Commerce of the Zlín Region, the District Chambers of Commerce in Zlín, Uherské Hradiště, Kroměříž and Vsetín, Industry and Transport Association of the Czech Republic, the Czech Trade Promotion  Agency,  Agency  for Enterprise  Support  and Investment - Czechinvest and from foreign commerce advisor y representatives of the Czech Republic. It is utilise by companies in the Zlín Region, as a comprehensive reference publication covering the major business areas, the technological potential of companies and potential business partners in the region.



in the whole Catalogue
in companies
in products