Technologické inovační centrum Zlínský kraj
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Aircraft Industries, a.s.

Contact information

qr code: Aircraft Industries, a.s.
Na Záhonech 1177, 686 04 Kunovice
Company ID:
Contact person:
Ilona Plšková
+420 572 816 002

Description of the company's activities

Aircraft Industries, a.s. is the largest Czech producer of civil aircraft technology, following the long tradition of aircraft production of the company LET Kunovice. The company's current major product is the L 410 small transportation aircraft, known worldwide for its reliability and economical operating cost.

Business activity

Development, manufacture, maintenance and sales of L 410 aircraft. Service and sale of spare parts. Design, testing, modifications and construction changes of the aircraft and its parts. Cooperation in the machine production process and forming, surface finishing. Operating the Kunovice International Airport. Operating a secondary level flight school.

Major products and services

Aircraft L 410 - turbo-propelled aircraft for transporting up to 19 passengers, freight or for special missions. Excels at transporting reliably in all weather conditions (-50°C to +50°C), ability to take-off and land on short, unpaved landing strips with operating and maintenance costs.

Major products and services for export

Aircraft L 410 - turbo-propelled aircraft for transporting up to 19 passengers, freight or for special missions. Excels at transporting reliably in all weather conditions (-50°C to +50°C), ability to take-off and land on short, unpaved landing strips with operating and maintenance costs.

Number of employees


Countries of current export

Russia, South America, Africa.

Interest to export to the following countries

Russland, Südamerika, Afrika, Asien, Australien

Proposal/request for partnership

Proposal to sell L 410 aircraft. Seeking cooperation with foreign aircraft/airline companies, offering our development and production capabilities (design, development, manufacture and testing of aircraft parts, design and production of accessories, etc.) and
highly skilled aviation specialists.

Certifications (ISO)

• Organization permit for the maintenance of Part 145,
MOA # CZ.145.0038,
• Organization certificate for the maintenance training of Part 147, MTO No. CZ.147.0010,
• Organization permit for the designing of Part 21, DOA No. EASA.21J.119,
• Organization permit for the testing of aircraft CAA-TI-012-3/99, # L-3-059/4,
• Certificate of compliance for the system quality as required by ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110),
• Certificate of the system management quality ISO 9001:2008.

Membership in associations

Moravian Aviation Cluster, Chamber of Commerce, Union of industry and transport of the Czech Republic, Association of aircraft manufacturers of the Czech Republic, Chamber for industrial cooperation with countries SNS, Czech-Brazil Chamber of Commerce, etc.


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