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EGO Zlín, spol. s r.o.
Contact information

U pekárny 438, 763 14 Zlín
Company ID:
Contact person:
Dagmar Běhůnková
+420 577 100 031
Description of the company's activities
Czech company, established in 1992, soon achieved a significant position as a producer and supplier of systems for helping intervention units contain crisis situations. It is mainly involved in specialised healthcare, integrated emergency and civil protection systems, etc.
Business activity
Brokerage services, production and repair of healthcare items, production of plastic products, research and development in the field of natural, technical and social sciences, foreign trade in military material within the scope of the issued permit.
Major products and services
Environmental protection systems, tent system, decontamination system, emergency system, system of appliances for immobile patients.
Major products and services for export
Environmental protection systems, tent system, decontamination system, emergency system, system of appliances for immobile patients.
Number of employees
Countries of current export
Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia.
Interest to export to the following countries
Spanien, Frankreich, Kanada, USA
Proposal/request for partnership
MOČR, MVČR, MZČR, MZVČR, CzechInvest,Czech Trade, WHO ČR.
Certifications (ISO)
ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009
Membership in associations
The company is a member of the security and protection association AOBP, the association of healthcare products suppliers AVDZP (also a member of assembly), Czech NBC Team.
Significant foreign contract/references
MČS Russia, SSHR ČR, Agencia rezerv materialnych Poland, Taiwan, Iran.
Significant awards
Zlatá MEFA, Salvator.