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Contact information

Kloboucká 865, 763 31 Brumov - Bylnice
Company ID:
Contact person:
Opat Marian
+420 603 273 867
Description of the company's activities
ELSEREMO, a.s. is a company with over seventy years of tradition. The company is known foremost in the field of managing technological installations on construction projects, electrical installations (engineering) in designing, production and assembly of steel structures.
Business activity
High and low current electrical installations, production of low voltage switchboards, inspection of electrical equipment, installation and administration of photovoltaic power plants, assembly of steel structures, planning and building operations, supply and assembly of technological devices, operation of recreation and apartment spaces, sports activities.
Major products and services
Production of low voltage switchboards, electric installations and supply, inspection of electric equipment, installation of lightning rods. Supply and assembly of steel structures. Supply, assembly, maintenance and administration of photovoltaic power stations.
Major products and services for export
Production of low voltage switchboards, electrical installations and supply, inspection of electric equipment, installation of lightning rods. Supply and assembly of steel structures.
Number of employees
Vollzeit-Mitarbeiter – 50, externe Mitarbeiter
Countries of current export
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Western Europe.
Interest to export to the following countries
Asien, Afrika
Proposal/request for partnership
Electrical installations, Steel structures, Sanitary installations.
Certifications (ISO)
Holder of ISO - ČSN IN ISO 9001:2001.
Significant foreign contract/references
Grand Kremlin Palace - Moscow,
Alexandrin Theatre - St. Petersburg,
Hotel Ulrika - Karlovy Vary,
Apartment building - Prague Hřebenky,
Production plant - Rožňava Brzotín,
Penzion Blatná,
Department store building Baťa - Prague, Ostrava, Pilsen, Brno, Gdansk.
Alexandrin Theatre - St. Petersburg,
Hotel Ulrika - Karlovy Vary,
Apartment building - Prague Hřebenky,
Production plant - Rožňava Brzotín,
Penzion Blatná,
Department store building Baťa - Prague, Ostrava, Pilsen, Brno, Gdansk.