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Epigon spol. s r.o.
Contact information

Tvarůžkova 2740, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Company ID:
Contact person:
Ing. Zdeněk Kraus
+420 602 755 600
Description of the company's activities
Established in 1991, EPIGON is a producer and supplier of products for cleanrooms suitable for use in environments that have very high demands on clean air. Forming and processing of sheet metal on CNC machines and welding. The company has an in-house engineering department.
Business activity
Production and installation of construction elements for cleanrooms in healthcare facilities and the electronics industry - doors, partitions, metal ceilings, circulation units, air sprays, transfer cabins, etc. Forming and processing of sheet metal (CNC edging, die cutting, welding) on CNC machines, manufacture of corrugated sheet metal.
Major products and services
Cleanrooms for use in environments that have very high demands on clean air. Metalwork - sheet metal edging, sheet metal die cutting and cutting with laser,welding in protected environments MIG/MAG, lacquering.
Major products and services for export
Cleanrooms and accessories
Number of employees
Countries of current export
Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia.
Interest to export to the following countries
Österreich, Deutschland