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Gumárny Zubří, a.s.
Contact information

Hamerská 9, 756 54 Zubří
Company ID:
Contact person:
Zdeněk Masařík
+420 571 662 366
Description of the company's activities
Production of rubber mixtures, rubber floor mats for cars, pressed technical rubber, extruded rubber profiles, plastic products, civilian and military masks.
Business activity
Production of rubber and plastic products
Major products and services
Production of rubber mixtures, rubber floor mats for cars, pressed technical rubber, extruded rubber profiles, plastic products, civilian and military masks.
Major products and services for export
Rubber floor mats for cars, technical rubber moulding - stop blocks, seals, covers, sleeves for automotive and other industries; extrusion process - seals, sections, tubes for automotive and other industries; plastic products - stop blocks, sleeves, elbows for automotive industry and consumer goods - winter sleighs, cages for rodents, carriers, production of civilian and military masks.
Number of employees
Countries of current export
Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Eastern markets.
Interest to export to the following countries
Westliche, östliche Märkte – insbesondere Europa
Certifications (ISO)
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 16949, OHSAS 18001.