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HOBAS CZ spol. s r. o.

Contact information

qr code: HOBAS CZ spol. s r. o.
tř. Marš. Malinovského 306, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště
Company ID:
Contact person:
Hana Kryštofová - obchodní oddělení
+420 572 520 311

Description of the company's activities

HOBAS is a successful international company and a major supplier of fibreglass piping systems. For more than 50 years HOBAS has been producing and supplying the market with spun cast fibreglass piping HOBAS® CC-GRP, suitable for various applications, i.e. drinking water and sewer piping, water conduits, irrigation or drainage systems. The company possesses production technology and managerial know-how.

Business activity

Production, sales and services.

Major products and services

HOBAS products include pipes, irregular-shaped profiles, shafts and piping manholes, T-sections, elbows and various custom produced shape fittings and accessories. HOBAS fibreglass systems are available in diameters of 150 to 3500 mm in various pressure and rigidity classes. HOBAS CZ also offers solutions for relief chambers and pipe water reservoirs from 20 to 500 m3.

Major products and services for export

Sewer systems, water supply systems, bridge installations, industrial piping, tunnel and collector piping, water-supply chambers, pits, cisterns, tanks, noncircular sections, special fittings, couplings, pipe ramming and rehabilitation, relief chambers, pipe water reservoirs from 20 to 500 m3.

Number of employees


Countries of current export

Central and Eastern Europe.

Certifications (ISO)

Production certifications according to standards ČSN EN 1796 and ČSN EN 14364 from:
• ITC - Institute for Testing and Certification (Czech Republic),
• VUIS (Slovakia),
• ÉMI (Hungary),
• ICECON (Romania),
• Production certificates according to standards ÖNORM B5161 and the requirements of GRIS,
• OFI (Austria).

Membership in associations

Chamber of Commerce, SGP-Standard, SVK-Society of Composite Producers, CzSTT Czech Society for Trenchless Technology.

Significant foreign contract/references

Micro-tunnelling - trenchless installation of fibreglass ramming pipes DN 3000 for project Czajka, Poland.

Significant awards

Czech Quality - Certified for construction, HOBAS Poland -prize ISTT No-DIG Award 2011, Best Trenchless Construction of the Year 2010 worldwide.


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