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kovocité, a.s.
Contact information

Bílovice 519, 687 12 Bílovice
Company ID:
Contact person:
Luděk Látal
+420 606 737 950
Description of the company's activities
Manufacture and assembly of steel constructions and surface treatment, primary focus on the production of city landscape furnishings and bus stop shelters.
Business activity
• Building construction, modification and removal,
• Metalwork and toolmaking,
• Road Transport - domestic freight vehicles of max. weight 3.5 tonnes including freight - domestic freight vehicles of max. permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons including freight.
• Metalwork and toolmaking,
• Road Transport - domestic freight vehicles of max. weight 3.5 tonnes including freight - domestic freight vehicles of max. permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons including freight.
Major products and services
Production of city landscape furnishings, bus stop shelters, surface treatment.
Major products and services for export
City landscape furnishings and bus stop shelters.
Number of employees
Countries of current export
Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Spain.
Interest to export to the following countries
Proposal/request for partnership
We offer - centre for surface treatment, Seeking suppliers of steel structures, tropical wood.
Certifications (ISO)
ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005, ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 in conjunction with ČSN EN ISO 3834 - 2:2006, ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008.
Significant foreign contract/references
River Park Bratislava (city lights, park benches, etc.);
Mirage Shopping Centre Žilina (interior furnishings); Tram rail system Murcia – Spain;
Roofing over pedestrian zone in Poprad;
Roofing over boarding platform in Kysucké Nové Mesto; Charles de Gaulle airport and Orly airport in Paris(airport interior furnishings)
Mirage Shopping Centre Žilina (interior furnishings); Tram rail system Murcia – Spain;
Roofing over pedestrian zone in Poprad;
Roofing over boarding platform in Kysucké Nové Mesto; Charles de Gaulle airport and Orly airport in Paris(airport interior furnishings)