Innovation potential
Innovation potencial in the Zlín Region
In terms of outlays for research and development, the Zlín Region is below averagecompared to other regions in the Czech Republic. However, not less thantwo thirds of the volume is financed from entrepreneurial sources, which is a significant contribution to the development of innovative enterprise activities.
According to regular surveys by the Czech Statistical Office, the Zlín Region has a long-term above average share of innovative businesses. This finding is also verified by the statistics of the volume of EU structural funds used to support innovative companies (Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations).According to the indicators for the 2007-2010, the Zlín Region is among the most successful regions in the Czech Republic. Innovation projects supported by EU funds are mainly implemented in industry.
From the perspective of the institutional background in research and development, the Tomas Bata University in Zlín and several research foundations and institutes are located in the Zlín Region.
Research and Development (R&D) sites are located in every district of the region with Zlín dominant as the natural centre of higher learning. The location of sites is historically determined by the continuation or extension of schools and institutes in the districts. Among these is the largest Czech experimentation site - The Institute for Testing and Certification, which has a unique position within the EU.
Technical focus of research and development institutions in the region is as follows:
- plastics and rubber
- ecology
- building & construction
- chemistry
- armaments
- information technologies
- agriculture and forestry
- wood production
- food production and production of biological substances
Institutions supporting innovation in the Zlín Region
From the complete evaluation of the innovative and general entrepreneurial environment, it follows that the attractiveness of the Zlín Region is due to its qualified workforce, service and support institutions and its ability to take advantage of EU grants in the area of innovation. Another contributing factor is also the geographical location in Central Europe and the improving transport accessibility in the region. The innovative environment is, likewise, also the result of support from support institutions.
In the Zlín Region, as mentioned above there exists a large potential for innovative business. This potential is evolving and expanding with the goal of promoting the Zlín Region as an attractive location for innovative companies and with the purpose of establishing a base for high quality innovative R&D and consulting.
The regional administration has the encompassing function of supporting innovative activities in the region. A number of other institutions that strive to achieve the same goal are also present in the region. Institutions supporting innovative development in the Zlín Region:
- Agency for Economic Development Vsetín, o.p.s.
- Agency for the Support of Enterprise and Investment CzechInvest – regional representation
- The Czech Trade Promotion Agency – regional representation
- Industry Servis ZK, a.s.
- Regional Chamber of Commerce in the Zlín Region and District Chamber of Commerce (Zlín, Kroměříž, Uherské Hradiště, Vsetín)
- Business Incubator Kunovice - Panský dvůr, s.r.o.
- Centre for Regional Cooperation, a.s.
- Regional Support Source, s.r.o.
- Association for the Development of the Zlín Region
- Technology Innovation Centre s.r.o.
- Tomas Bata University in Zlín, University Institute
- Business Centre Valašské Klobouky
The Zlín Region