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Strojírenské kovovýrobní družstvo SKD
Contact information

Husova 549, 687 71 Bojkovice
Company ID:
Contact person:
Ing. Ludmila Ondrůšková
+420 724 342 080
Description of the company's activities
We are a leading company in the tooling industry - design and production of injection moulds for the automotive industry. We deliver to our customers precise technical solutions with complete delivery of moulds and pressed parts
Business activity
Design and production of injection moulds and pressing tools. Serial and custom production of automotive plastic components, specialising in demanding technical parts.
Major products and services
Injection moulds, pressing machines, automotive plastic components and over-moulded parts.
Major products and services for export
Injection moulds, pressing machines, automotive plastic components andover-moulded parts.
Number of employees
Countries of current export
Developed countries, EU, third world countries.
Interest to export to the following countries
Asien, Amerika
Proposal/request for partnership
Contacts for more information:,
Certifications (ISO)
ISO/TS 16949:2002
ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005
ŠN EN ISO 9001:2001
IATF Certificate:0067623
ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005
ŠN EN ISO 9001:2001
IATF Certificate:0067623
Membership in associations
Chamber of Commerce