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Austin Detonator s.r.o.
Contact information

Jasenice 712, 755 01 Vsetín
Company ID:
Contact person:
Ing. Otta Grebeň
+420 571 404 001
Description of the company's activities
Austin Detonator s.r.o. began its activity 1. 1. 1999, by acquiring a manufacturer of detonators. The company is a part of Austin Powder Company, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. We are a distinctly export oriented business, our exports go to about 35 countries on four continents.
Business activity
Development, manufacture and sale of detonators for industrial blasting operations.
Major products and services
Electric and non-electric detonators, electronic detonators, components for detonator production, blast initiation agents, capsules and blasters, accessories for blasting operations.
Major products and services for export
Electric and non-electric detonators, electronic detonators, components for detonator production.
Number of employees
Countries of current export
Australia, Germany, Poland, Austria, USA, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Japan and Turkey.
Interest to export to the following countries
Spanien, Ukraine
Certifications (ISO)
Certificate ISO 9001:2000
Membership in associations
Plastics Cluster (subsidiary Austin Detonator Assembly), Regional Chamber of Commerce Zlín, District Chamber of Commerce Vsetín, Society of explosive technology and pyrotechnics manufacturers, Association of manufactures and users of explosives, AmCham, SAFEX, FEEM.
Significant awards
Top 10 most admired companies of the region 2006, 2007, 2008, Company of the Region 3rd place - 2005, Exporter of the Year 2000/2001.